Deepa Chudasama's BINDI DRAWING on the arches at Ha'Penny Hatch (she worked on two arches but I only have a pic of one arch)..."examining the historical tradition of mark-making on surroundings and bodies"...

Katie Gilman's 10,597..."the distance in miles between Deptford and Tasmania - the birthplace of the artist and final destination of convict boats that sailed from Deptford in the early to mid 19th century...drawing on the history of rope making..."

Fran Cottell's GOLDEN BALLS, which were dotted around Deptford in all sorts of unexpected places...referencing architectural domes...(turns out I wasn't the only one manically spray painting balls this September)...

Also, there was Leila Galloway's HOLD, Patrick Semple's MEMORIAL TO THE UNKNOWN SHOPPER, and a show by Patrick, Bea Denton & Paul Marks in Paul's new space ARCH, a great film by Anita McKeown (www.deptford45s.com) and some guerilla art from Rachel Hale. Rachel was not included in the programme, but her POLITE SIGNS raised a chuckle from everyone who came across them...

Also, I really enjoyed Ben Cummins' PAVEMENT SONNETS, DEPTFORD SCARS, an audio-walk around Deptford which narrates the history of the area. He missed out on talking about the art one might see on the way, but nevermind. Presumably it is still available for download at the Deptford X website. www.deptfordx.org
Lastly, on the third Sunday of the festival, Creekside Centre ran a Walk Up The Creek, late in the afternoon, and Helen Barff came to take pictures of her boat and say a few words about her piece. Here we are setting off down to the creek.

If you fancy a walk up a creek, go to their website and check for dates and times.
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